AT&T Video Calling Video 1.png

Video Calling Promo


A kitschy web video detailing new service offerings on AT&T aimed at millennials.

 Several art direction and storytelling concepts were presented to the client team. The selected direction drew inspiration from mid-century modern design and modern interpretations of the same.

Several art direction and storytelling concepts were presented to the client team. The selected direction drew inspiration from mid-century modern design and modern interpretations of the same.

 Along with mood boards, simple pencil renderings helped set decorators and wardrobe personnel arrive at the ideas set down in the art direction phase.

Along with mood boards, simple pencil renderings helped set decorators and wardrobe personnel arrive at the ideas set down in the art direction phase.

 Hand drawn typographic treatments aided in creating a tone of care and curation to the piece.

Hand drawn typographic treatments aided in creating a tone of care and curation to the piece.

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